Egypt Modern School Egypt Modern School

Students’ Life

Elementary Student Responsibilities and Consequences

We ask parents to discuss with their children the elementary school rules listed below:

  • Show respect and consideration for others by behaving in a kind manner and using appropriate language at all times.
  • Respect the property of other people.
  • Show normal care and respect for school property.
  • Be truthful at all times. Do not copy someone else’s words or ideas and present them as your own work.
  • Walk quietly and carefully on the left side of the hallways and on the stairs.
  • Use appropriate manners in the cafeteria. Remove your garbage from the table and return your tray before leaving the cafeteria.
  • Follow the Playground Safety Rules.
  • Behave politely and safely on school buses and public transportation.
  • Be careful when going to and from school. Watch out for others, set a good example, and report dangerous activities to the Principal or another adult.
  • Do not bring toy weapons or any dangerous items to school.

Students who fail to observe the school rules will be given consequences by the teacher and/or Principal, who will most often use “progressive measures”. Hopefully, students will learn from their mistakes and make wiser choices in the future.

Depending upon the seriousness of the situation, disciplinary measures for a student may include:

  • parent notification
  • conference with Principal, parents, and teachers
  • withdrawal of privileges and/or detention
  • in-school suspension
  • out of school suspension
  • student being sent home from school for a specified period of time or expulsion

Teachers and administrators continue to help children assume responsibility for their actions. Consequences are given based on the age of the child and the seriousness of the behavior. These rules also apply to school-sponsored trips and activities. For example, logical consequences may be that a student is not allowed to go on future field trips with the class.