Egypt Modern School Egypt Modern School


Accidents and Injuries

In order to provide continuity in our reporting to parents, and insure that students receive assistance, the following guidelines will be followed:

  • In case of a major accident, make NO attempt to move an injured student; stay with him/her, and call the office for assistance. Please escort, or have another staff member escort, less seriously ill or injured students to the clinic. Students with minor complaints may be sent to the clinic with a pass.
  •  A parent will be contacted as soon as a student arrives in the clinic. No one is to contact parents except the clinic staff, or an administrator. Parents and students will make a determination as to the best course of action except in the case of a contagious illness, which would require the student to go home. Students with minor complaints will remain in the clinic or the attendance office while awaiting parent’s arrival. If the parent does not arrive before the period is over, the student will be sent back to class. More severely ill or injured students will wait in the clinic only
  • Depending on the injury, a student might be taken to for an x-ray or other type of scan to ensure the well being of the student.
  •  Any staff member when needed may administer Band-Aids but no internal medication of any kind is to be distributed to students at any time by unauthorized personnel. If students are required to take medication at school, they must be referred to the clinic staff or an administrator. Parents are required to complete medication forms for these purposes.
  • It is important we have up-to-date listings of contact numbers where parents can be reached. Any medical information concerning your child must be given to the school nurse. If your child develops any new health issues during the school year that you have not indicated on the Health Form, please keep the school nurse informed.