Egypt Modern School Egypt Modern School


Guidance and Counseling

The EMS High School Counseling Program is a comprehensive program that promotes and enhances the learning process of all students to ensure the academic, career and personal/social development of all students. The goals of the school counselors are to support all students in the active pursuit of their dreams, maintain a positive learning environment and to promote all students to become life- long learners. University readiness, academic outcomes and socio-emotional skills are but a few things that your School Counselor can help you with. Counseling and advisory services are available to all students. Appropriate referrals will be made to qualified counselors or other professionals as necessary.

Academic Committee

Dr. Ahmed Kamal Academic Vice Principal
Ms. Sara Abdelazim Student Programs Coordinator/Advisor

Discipline Committee

Mr. Wael Hassan Operations Vice Principal
Ms. Sara Abdelazim Student Programs Coordinator/Advisor
Ms. Mervat Kamal Social Worker
Ms. Zeinab Khamis Floor Supervisor

Special Services Committee

Mrs. Hasnaa Gemei Principal
Mr. Sherif Hagag Special Services Coordinator

AAC Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Hasnaa Gemei Principal