Egypt Modern School Egypt Modern School


Bus Transportation

A bus service is available for students for an additional fee. There is a bus attendant who regulates the behavior and ensures the safety of students in the bus. If at anytime a change occurs to the agreed upon transportation schedule the school should be informed. Buses are scheduled to leave promptly at 3:20 p.m. Students should be on time.

Rules for Proper Bus Conduct:

All EMS students represent the school and must behave appropriately on the bus. Please follow and respect the rules.

  • Take your assigned seat immediately upon entering the bus and do not move from your seat during your trip. For safety reasons, do not stand up at any time or change your seat even when the bus is not moving.
  • Eating, drinking, and using tobacco products are not allowed on the bus.
  • Voices must be kept low at all times and respectful language used on the bus.
  • Students are expected to treat any other student with kindness and respect. Older students should be helpful to the younger students. Keep your hands and feet to yourselves.
  •  The bus must have come to a complete stop before the door is opened.

School Bus Offenses:

Level I (Minor Offenses):

Level I behaviors are those that disrupt the driver’s concentration, or behavior that may cause harm to the student or others. Some other Level I offenses are:

  • Loud talking (at any time) or talking at railroad crossings
  • Moving around the bus/out of the seat
  • Pushing/touching/disrupting others
  • Repeated tardiness to the bus
  • Disrespect to other students or the driver
  • Harassment of other students
  • Not following the reasonable request of the driver
  • Use of profanity
  • Possession of a match or lighter
  • Eating or drinking (food or gum) on the bus
  • Tampering with emergency equipment or doors
  • Littering/throwing objects from the bus

Level II (Major Offenses):

Level II behaviors are those that are severe in nature or that directly or indirectly endanger the student or other students, the driver, or the public. Some examples are:

  • Minimum of five repeated Level I offenses (Minor Infractions)
  • The threat of violence to the driver or other school employees
  • The use of profanity directed to the bus driver
  • Lighting a match or lighter
  • Possession of an incendiary device (smoke bomb, fire cracker, cherry bomb, sparkler, etc.)
  • Fighting/assault
  • Possession of a weapon
  • Vandalism or arson
  • Theft

Consequences for Level I and II Bus Rules Infractions

Level I Level II
1st incident Principal Action 3 days off bus
2nd incident 3 days off bus 5 days off bus
3rd incident 5 days off bus 10 days off bus
4th incident 10 days off bus Expelled