Egypt Modern School Egypt Modern School

Students’ Life

Academic Honors and Achievements

  • GPA of 3.7 or higher.
  • No in school or out of school suspensions for the grading quarter.
  • Students achieving this distinction are recognized with a certificate at the end of each semester.

One of the main aims of this policy is promoting and maintaining good behavior and in doing so eliminate poor behavior. An important part of good discipline is mutual knowledge and respect of any agreed set of standards.

Students work best within systems which have firm parameters and which recognize their strengths and weaknesses. Through good practice and the strong supportive pastoral system that exists, the need to use punitive measure should be at a minimum. Examples of positive examples in the school are the following:-

  • positive verbal and written affirmation of the students for producing good work or good behavior (where appropriate, comments can be written in the student’s book about work and behavior);
  • tutors and teachers can use the homework diary/planner to communicate with home about things that show achievement;
  • recognition and public affirmation can be given at a variety of places in the school day – class time, form time, assemblies;
  • displaying students’ work that shows they have achieved by their own standards should be used as a reward by staff;
  • praise and encouragement by members of staff both of which should be used as much as possible as a reward;
  • letters can be sent home to congratulate those students who are achieving with merits or distinctions;
  • Certificate Day, subject areas can nominate students for an award in the form of a certificate and book tokens for overall winners. The categories are attainment and achievement.

Additionally, our classes have a behavior system called “Reach for the Stars”.  During the course of the day, the stars move up and down the chart based upon the behavioral choices each student makes.

Good behavior causes the star to move up one level. Conversely, inappropriate behavior will cause the star to move down one level. During the monthly assembly, students with the most stars get rewarded for their good behavior. The students selected at the end of the month receive a certificate during the monthly assembly. This rewards system has proven to be an excellent motivational tool.